unlucky day. @#!$%

i sms vivien ask her whether wana go out anot,so she told reb (...). so 3 of us decided to go causeway to watch The Nun. ok,i was reaching the bus stop,then vivien call me,tell me bring jacket.ok nvm,i went hm,get my dam jacket and went under her block.after waiting for almost 5mins ,"eh vivien,where u??"
"uh i at admiralty mrt"
ARGH.walk al de way dere n saw her. we met reb at causeway point,they look dam retarded haha. wearing short shorts(when your watching a movie) and wearing converse shoes.thats such an unlikely combination for an unlikely occasion.so we go reb hse,change thier shoes to slippers,then we head for sembawang(we found out that the nun wasnt in cwp). reach sbw,oops,the cinema was eng wah,not golden village. sorry^^ i went to 7-11,buy straits time,look at where the hell is golden village,and throw everyting away.lol. we took mrt to j8,buy tickets,n watch the movie.
ITS DAMN BORING.storyline sucks like hell.
worst part of the movie-vivien and rebecca keep screaming at the slightest sound. ppl behind us was like "oi,siao arh?". -.-".
after movie ,we got up,guess wat? MY FUCKING IPOD IS LOST. WTF???!!!!!.
ok,shit. this sucks. we tried finding,of cos,to no avail.who would return an ipod if he/she ever c one? WAH FUCK MAN. gggrrrr. then we go popular.saw royston. hmm. so *shuai* sia. *yaya i noe XD =D ;D v v shuai indeed u bloody trick me*.
reb decided to go cwp popular,me and vivien dropped at admiralty. both of us went to the pasar malam.and she keep apologising. "yaya its ok,its nt ur fault,yea I TOok it,i mus have stuffed it up my ass or sumtin so that i cant find it,i dont blame you,*smirk*and i dont need you to buy for me".

@!#$% MY IPOD T-T


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